Visa Requirements II

Visa Requirements II

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 16 มี.ค. 2563

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 28 เม.ย. 2566

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Visa requirements

Visitors to Thailand require different types of visa for different purposes of visit. Please click on your applicable type of visa below for visa application form and more details on required documents.

Please also note that tourists from some countries are qualified for Tourist Visa Exemption or Visa on Arrival.

Visa application 
Monday - Friday from 09.00 to 11.00 hrs.
Visa collection
Monday - Friday from 14.00 to 16.00 hrs. 


Types of Visa

1. TOURIST VISA (TR) - For tourism purpose

2. TRANSIT VISA (TS) - To transit through Thailand to another country

3. VISA FOR PARTICIPANT IN SPORT COMPETITION (TS) - To participate in sport events in Thailand

4. NON-IMMIGRANT VISA (B) FOR BUSINESS PURPOSE - To engage in business-related activities in Thailand

5. NON-IMMIGRANT VISA (B) FOR EMPLOYMENT - To be employed in Thailand

6. NON-IMMIGRANT VISA (B) FOR EMPLOYMENT AS TEACHER - To be employed as teacher in Thailand

To attend non-business conference/meeting in Thailand

8. NON-IMMIGRANT VISA (ED) FOR EDUCATION - To study or take academic course in Thailand

9. NON-IMMIGRANT VISA (ED) FOR UNPAID INTERNSHIP AND TRAINING - To participate in unpaid internship, workshop or training in Thailand

10. NON-IMMIGRANT VISA (O) FOR VOLUNTEER - To engage in volunteer works in Thailand*
*see also remarks (2) below

11. NON-IMMIGRANT VISA (O-A) FOR LONG STAY - To stay in Thailand for a long period

12. NON-IMMIGRANT VISA (O) FOR DEPENDANT - For dependant of the main visa applicant or foreign spouse/ children of a Thai citizen


14. NON-IMMIGRANT VISA (F) FOR OFFICIAL VISIT BY ORDINARY PASSPORT HOLDER - To attend event hosted by an authority in Thailand

15. NON-IMMIGRANT VISA (M) FOR MEDIA AND FILMING - To cover the news or to shoot films/ documentaries/ commercials in Thailand

16. NON-IMMIGRANT VISA (RS) FOR RESEARCH AND SCIENCE - To engage in research and science activities in Thailand

17. SMART VISA PROGRAMME - For foreign experts, executives, entrepreneurs and investors who wish to work or to invest in Thailand in targeted industries

To ensure that clear and precise information is given, visa enquiry can only be made through
E-mail at 
[email protected]

* Remarks

1. Kindly note that a single-entry Non-Immigrant visa allows travellers to stay in Thailand for up to 90 days only. If you which to stay longer, an application of Extension of Stay permit can be submitted at the Thai Immigration Office. Applying for one after another Non-Immigrant visa is not an alternative to obtaining the Extension of Stay and therefore be denied by the Embassy.
2. Non-Immigrant visa (O) for Volunteer allows the visa applicants to stay as a volunteer in Thailand for up to 90 days only. The Thai Immigration office may not grant the extension of stay if there is no work permit provided. Each applicant who re-submit the application for Non-Immigrant visa (O) for Volunteer at the Embassy must also submit a letter certifying his/her volunteering status from relevant Thai Government Agency (equivalent to the department level) which related to or regulate the foundation/organization.